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  • Writer's pictureKaren Griffith

Spring Mental Health Check-In: YOU ARE ENOUGH!

Who hasn't felt like they are not enough at some point in their life? Many of us have felt like we are not enough, especially after the events of the past year. Please know you are enough, and if you feel as if you are not, PLEASE SEEK HELP! It is not a disgrace to seek help. Life is short, but it can be so very sweet, so don't let your mind get the best of you. I have been fortunate enough to work with some of the best therapists, counselors, and pastors to help me better manage and get through some very rough patches during certain seasons of my life. The help they gave me was truly invaluable and a privilege as well as a Godsend. I am forever grateful for their help. They made me aware of the fact that I ALWAYS have valuable tools at my fingertips to help me when my mind started heading down the I am not enough path again.

Some of the most significant recommendations I tried that made a huge difference for me was I started surrounding myself with others who loved and cared about me, and didn't bring me down, but lifted me. Having caring and loving people around is one of the best things you can do for yourself, and you will also want to be that caring and loving person for others who may need you. Helping others in need is very therapeutic. As a nurse, helping others continues to bring me peace and always calms the gremlins in my head.

Another way to calm the chatter in your head is to take a break from social media. Taking a break from technology can be a great soother and healer. Keeping up with social media can be stressful, and most of the time, we don't even realize it is stressing us because we think of it as a necessity rather than an option. We may fear missing a friend or family member's birthday or an important family picture. I promise you the world will not stop if you miss a few social media posts. A break from social media can help allow us to release those things in our minds that no longer serve us. Eventually, after a few social media breaks, you will learn how to keep a balanced amount of social media in your life without letting it weigh you down.

Just remember to have faith in yourself at all times, be mindful of the present moment as often as possible, get outdoors and enjoy nature as often as you can, get good sleep, eat a healthy diet, surround yourself with those who care, exercise with what type of movement is best for you, as well as for your mind, and get help if you need it. Please remember it is not a disgrace or shameful to get help! You will be glad you did.

If you do need help and need guidance in locating resources, I am happy to assist. You can find me at

Happy Easter and have a wonderful Spring season!

Karen Griffith RN MSN BC-NC

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